Thursday, March 17, 2011

Wording Toy Story Invitation

Come away with me, the presentation of the book by Saviano in Florence

I was there and my love!
The presentation was at nine, the Feltrinelli in Florence.
We ate a bite and then we swiftly scapicollati Via Cerretani ...... but there was a brothel sensational!
I dreamed of entering the library, get me my beautiful book signings, shake his hand and thank him for his passion and instead I am to be satisfied with being in the commotion and looked at me and Roberto ascolatare giant screen the library was placed in the middle on the street.
He spoke for an hour and a half and then we were also waiting until half past midnight hoping that we did get in, but not there was no way. From security
we knew then that there were about 400 people inside (I wonder how the hell did they make them fit all!) Who arrived at four in the afternoon to grab a seat and we were out in 3000 Christs.
do not know if the figures are correct, but there was casino assure you!
Roberto said he was happy to return to present the book in bookstores, and that five years ago when he came to Florence for Gomorrah were only 3 people to attend, well I've changed some things since then and the ' affection, respect and closeness of people felt strong.
He also said that "the library is a place of study and reflection that scares the power. The Camorra is not afraid of me and of my words, but because of who I read with readers the word becomes action. This is frightening to the powerful. "
And it's true.
If only there scuotessimo off this apathy, and that this liability be waiting for others to act on our behalf and we take back our country with responsibility and conscience !
We, we are not tenants in our country, WE are Italy!
Boys nervous I was hunting.
Something is moving and the last night they have a small demonstration. ITALY WISHES
Meanwhile, congratulations to all of us.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Can Herpes Get On Sheets

The game lists: top 10 reasons why life is worth living

I now read the post VerdeSalvia, seems to me a great idea and picked up his invitation to post my own list. I appreciate very
Roberto and I follow him, I like his passion and his professionalism and his smile, his wish to inform, his love for the truth.
Despite the way in which smiles are forced to live, teaching me every day that the love for their country knows no sacrifice.

Here is my list, ten things for which it is worthwhile to live my life
1. to go to bed at night at indecent hours and see the face of my love sleeping on my side
2. to still have plenty of books to read
3. for the second in which an idea and takes shape in the head
4. for my family makes me so angry but I've learned to appreciate beyond the blood relationship
5. for green tea in the company of morning radio deejay
6. to the memory of my grandmother
7. for my three cats, with whom I can become mushy:)
8. for my friends
9. for spring walks through the fields and cycling
10. out of curiosity

Here this is my list, I hope to see many around because it is one thing that makes us reflect and be thankful for what we have in among the many bad things that we are living.
Here, the site of Robert's latest book, you can enter yours. I recommend
A great big hug to Robert.

Cute Bf/gf Quotes/sayings

Viva Italy

Long live Italy, liberated Italy, Italy
of the waltz, Italy coffee.
Italy robbed and shot in the heart,
Long live Italy, the Italy that never dies.
Long live Italy, taken by surprise,
Italy murdered by the newspapers and through the concrete,
Italy with dry eyes in the dark night,
Long live Italy, Italy who is not afraid.
Long live Italy, Italy is in the midst of the sea, forgotten
Italy and Italy to forget, Italy
half garden and half prison
Long live Italy, Italy as a whole.
Long live Italy, the Italy that works,
Italy that is desperate, who falls in love with Italy, Italy
half luck and half duty,
Long live Italy, Italy on the moon.
Long live Italy, Italy on 12 December,
Italy with flags, Italy naked as always,
Italy with sad eyes open in the night,
Long live Italy, Italy that resists.

Francis De Gregori Italy sings it so.
I love Italy and I am grateful to be Italian despite the filth with which they try to suffocate us, distract us, get drunk and that some citizens alas unfortunately endorses.
Small gift handmade "Caterinetta ... button pearl is a real pain to photograph:)
Despite the gray, good day!